NAD+ Therapy in Durango

nad treatment in durango co

What is NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide (nick-o-tin-a-mide) Adenine (ad-a-nine) Dinucleotide (di-nuke-lee-a-tide).

It is an essential molecule found in every cell of your body; a coenzyme of Vitamin B3 (niacin), which means it’s a small helper molecule that binds to a protein molecule in order to activate an enzyme.

Enzymes are responsible for over 5,000 different biochemical reactions throughout the body and NAD+ participates in more reactions than any other vitamin-derived molecule. 

What Does NAD+ Do?

NAD+ is basically the building block of a healthy body that the brain, our internal organs, and neurological systems need to function at optimal efficiency.

NAD+ is needed for metabolic functions to take place in all the cells in your body, including your brain.

Scientists have shown that NAD+ significantly decreases as we age, so it’s beneficial to replenish NAD+ levels so your body can function at optimal levels.

NAD+ is involved in these roles to the left throughout the body.

NAD+ helps your cells convert food into energy by acting as an electron transporter during cell metabolism.

A constant supply of NAD+ is needed for the activation of PARPs, which detect and repair damaged DNA.

Your body has a class of proteins called sirtuins that help regulate certain metabolic pathways and genetic expressions. Sirtuins are NAD-dependent and the more sirtuin activity, the better for health and longevity. Increased sirtuin activity can help increase metabolism, decrease inflammation, extend cell life, and prevent neurodegeneration. 

NAD+ is also released from the intercellular space to the extracellular space for communication. Research is revealing that NAD and ATP may alert the immune response when the cell is under stress or when there is inflammation.

Although more research still needs to be conducted, in some instances, NAD+ meets the pre- and postsynaptic criteria for a neurotransmitter. NAD+ is released from smooth muscle, neurosecretory cells, and brain synaptosomes for cell-to-cell communication

 NAD+ and NADH are used in processes such as metabolizing alcohol and converting lactate to pyruvate in the body.

 NAD+ qualifies as a supplement under FDA guidelines. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Intravenous NAD+ therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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