Ketamine Treatment

What Is Ketamine ?

Ketamine was discovered in 1956, and approved by the FDA in 1970. It is widely used as an anesthetic, in children, adults, and the elderly, as well as in veterinary medicine. Millions of people have been treated worldwide, with an excellent safety record. As an anesthetic, ketamine is included in the World Health Organization’s Model List of Essential Medicines.​ The first report of ketamine’s effectiveness in psychiatric disorders was published in 2000. Since then, numerous case reports and placebo controlled studies have been published, in many countries. Ketamine is uniquely effective for treatment of depressive disorders. It often rapidly reduces suicidal thinking and wishes and is often effective when other treatments have failed. A smaller number of studies also support its effectiveness in severe anxiety disorders, and some forms of chronic pain.

How Does It Work?

Ketamine is known as an NMDA receptor antagonist. Many researchers are still searching for exactly how the medication can affect mood so rapidly and effectively, but what we do know is that ketamine works on glutamate, one of the most numerous neurotransmitters in the body. This increase in glutamate can cause a cascade effect of increased neural activity and communication in the brain. The areas of the brain which have shut down due to over-anxiety and depression, are suddenly awakened. Ketamine causes neuroplasticity, or new neural growth, a “rewiring” of the brain believed to play a big part in the lasting anti-depressant effects.

We know that ketamine is not only working on the NMDA receptor, but ketamine is also working on other receptors such as GABA receptors, G protein-coupled receptors, and a small effect on cholinergic Mu receptors. Along with reversing neuronal atrophy, ketamine also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Interestingly, the dissociative effects of ketamine are believed to play a part in the healing process as well. When given appropriately and titrated in the right doses by a trained provider, ketamine’s multiple mechanisms of action create a powerful, effective treatment for a variety of chronic mental illness and pain conditions.

Conditions We Treat


There is hope! Ketamine has a rapid antidepressant effect and can quickly alleviate symptoms of severe depression.


Are you constantly feeling on edge? Ketamine infusions can help you relax and find the courage to face life once more.


Ketamine therapy can help you deal with past traumas and break the cycle of intrusive thoughts and flashbacks.


Is OCD controlling your life? Ketamine can help break the cycle of compulsive behaviors and intrusive thoughts. Learn more about this treatment option.

Chronic Pain

Ketamine is used to treat various chronic pain syndromes, especially those that have a neuropathic component.


Ketamine’s effectiveness in treating several pain syndromes, including migraine headaches.